• Group size: 40 – 120
  • Playground required: factory yard, park or beach
  • Location: nationwide
  • Benefit: mindfulness, motivation, respect, physical & mental health, coordination
A basic first aid training course is a mix of theory and practical activities. First aid is a practical skill, therefore hands-on practice is essential to learn these basic lifesaving skills. Team building games that simulate emergency situations are not only educational, but also fun and interactive. Trainers are dedicated and experienced first aid specialists from the Red Cross. The course promotes the passion about first aid for emloyees and makes them believe their skills and confidence in dealing with an emergency situation. The training contents that are snake biting, choking, wounded or bleeding, suffering from shock, burning, etc. are selected and prioritized to adapt to be most suitable to your day-to-day business environment. Participants are encouraged to practice these by using props, dummies and other colleagues as their model or finding natural materials to create a makeshift stretcher for transporting patients. All trainees receive a first aid certificate from the Red Cross upon completing this course.
Photo: Exotic Vietnam

Accidents are always lurking around us anytime and anywhere, even at work or at home. Many deaths could be prevented if first aid is given in the “golden hour” before emergency. This is why it is very important for as many people as possible to have at least a basic knowledge of first aid. The more people are trained to be first aiders, the more benefits that bring to the community.

A basic first aid training course is a mix of theory and practical activities. First aid is a practical skill, therefore hands-on practice is essential to learn these basic lifesaving skills. Team building games that simulate emergency situations are not only educational, but also fun and interactive. Trainers are dedicated and experienced first aid specialists from the Red Cross. The course promotes the passion about first aid for emloyees and makes them believe their skills and confidence in dealing with an emergency situation. The training contents that are snake biting, choking, wounded or bleeding, suffering from shock, burning, etc. are selected and prioritized to adapt to be most suitable to your day-to-day business environment. Participants are encouraged to practice these by using props, dummies and other colleagues as their model or finding natural materials to create a makeshift stretcher for transporting patients. All trainees receive a first aid certificate from the Red Cross upon completing this course.

The event not only requires your staff to work together toward the noblest of all goals – saving lives – but does so in a way which is enjoyable and will provide them with lasting benefits, both individually and as a team. Our Exotic Vietnam team is experienced, friendly and flexible and will arrange training to suit customer expectations. Let us make your plans come true with effective activities and unforgettable memories for your staff.