• Group size: 40 – 200
  • Playground required: factory yard, beach or park
  • Location: nationwide
  • Benefit: motivation, morale improving, responsibility, mindfulness, teamwork
Earth Day (April 22), Environment Day (June 5) or any other day that you care about Our Globe is being a real milestone for raising awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Over the decades, these days draw hundreds of millions of people into campaigns to save energy, restore damaged ecosystems, reduce plastic pollution, promote sustainable eating, conserve endangered species, ... Climate change, species loss, pandemics and massive natural disasters are increasingly touching every corner of the world and leading to bad outcomes for the future of our green planet, unless we have to do something now. It will only succeed if everyone plays a part.
Photo: Exotic Vietnam

Earth Day (April 22), Environment Day (June 5) or any other day that you care about Our Globe is being a real milestone for raising awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Over the decades, these days draw hundreds of millions of people into campaigns to save energy, restore damaged ecosystems, reduce plastic pollution, promote sustainable eating, conserve endangered species, … Climate change, species loss, pandemics and massive natural disasters are increasingly touching every corner of the world and leading to bad outcomes for the future of our green planet, unless we have to do something now. It will only succeed if everyone plays a part.

If you care about the environment and also want to engage and motivate your employees, this event is a perfect opportunity to take action. One of the simplest ways to celebrate Earth Day/ Environment Day in your company is to organize an employee event right at the workplace or an outing trip aiming at the goals of enviroment. Exotic Vietnam designs a variety of fun and fantastic programs to create stronger bonds among participants and enhance the environment’s awareness and responsibility of each individual and department in business. We invite you to be a part of Earth Day/ Environment Day to join your small hands with community to make big impacts on our green world!