• Group size: 40 – 200
  • Playground required: nature reserve
  • Location: nationwide
  • Benefit: goal setting, limit exceeding, patience, physical & mental health, teamwork
Triathlon (running, swimming and cycling over various distances) requires athletes to have a physical and mental endurance. Just introduced to Viet Nam in recent years, this race has been attracting many athletes to participate in training and competition. There are professional and semi-professional tournaments such as: IRONMAN, TRI-Factor, Sunset Bay Triathlon, and so on held in many localities all over the country.
Photo: Exotic Vietnam

Triathlon (running, swimming and cycling over various distances) requires athletes to have a physical and mental endurance. Just introduced to Viet Nam in recent years, this race has been attracting many athletes to participate in training and competition. There are professional and semi-professional tournaments such as: IRONMAN, TRI-Factor, Sunset Bay Triathlon, and so on held in many localities all over the country.

Corporate Triathlon has provided countless opportunities for businesses to bring together their staff and stakeholders, drive everyone’s vision to a common target and promote a healthy lifestyle. It is a wonderful day out, working together towards new challenges and conquer new goals. Exotic Vietnam loves bringing the energy of teamwork to the businesses, co-working with our clients to achieve their goals too. More importantly it’s all about creating excitement after the office routine and having a heap of fun on sweaty day. Teams of 10 – 15 runners will run, cycle and raft/ swim together at different physical levels, catering for all fitness types. Selected spaces are often scenic tracks in nature reserves, sandy beaches or rustic villages with little transport. Based on the viewpoint of RIMSOF – “Risk In Mind – Safe On Field”, the challenges always ensure absolute safety and high-energy fun for all participants.

If your goal is to build a more cohesive and productive teams, it’s worth investing the time and resources to organize some team-building activities. Contact Exotic Vietnam for more details.