• Group size: 40 – 1000
  • Playground required: Lawn or beach
  • Location: nationwide
  • Benefit: goal setting, limit exceeding, patience, physical & mental health, teamwork
Members participate in a series of activities that are exciting, challenging, cooperative or antagonistic, and filled with laughter. The program also creates a level playing field regardless of different working positions in the company, from employee to head of department, or general director, where everyone has the opportunity to share ideas, demonstrate their own abilities.
Photo: Exotic Vietnam

Maybe your business is looking for an impressive activity to bring people together, create camaraderie, improve fitness, energize and entertain employees? That is organizing a sports day in the format of a corporate team building program.

Members participate in a series of activities that are exciting, challenging, cooperative or antagonistic, and filled with laughter. The program also creates a level playing field regardless of different working positions in the company, from employee to head of department, or general director, where everyone has the opportunity to share ideas, demonstrate their own abilities.

Exotic Vietnam offers a variety of fantastic scenarios to suit budgets and any location from the beach, to the park or to the factory yard. This is a great, fun, energetic team building activity that ensures maximum participation and provides full of fun and humour.