• Group size: 40 – 120
  • Playground required: indoor or outdoor (grass court or beach)
  • Location: nationwide
  • Benefit: goal setting, motivation, teamwork, communication, creativity, decision making
Agile is a flexible method not only in software development but also in project management, helping to bring better products to market faster with the least risk. Instead of waiting until the entire project is completed and releasing it all at once, the Agile Team will break a project into several smaller chunks, each of which can be tailored to the client's requirements and rolled out one by one at a time.
Photo: Exotic Vietnam

Agile is a flexible method not only in software development but also in project management, helping to bring better products to market faster with the least risk. Instead of waiting until the entire project is completed and releasing it all at once, the Agile Team will break a project into several smaller chunks, each of which can be tailored to the client’s requirements and rolled out one by one at a time.

Inspired by Agile, the team building program through engaging simulation games gives team members the opportunity to work together to solve problems, create changing situations to stimulate the ability to adapt in time, improve motivation and confidence. Requirements, execution plans and results are continuously evaluated so that agile teams can quickly change and complete the product in line with reality.

Can your team become the best Agile Team? It is important to have fun at work, break down barriers, spark everyone’s creativity. Exotic Vietnam is pleased to be your companion to carry out this exciting event.